Doula Network Australia Incorporated:
Code Of Practice for DNA Members.
- The Doula Network Australia Association is inclusive of all Doulas and practicing philosophies.
Doula Network Members will not perform medical or clinical tasks, nor give medical advice to clients.
Doula Network Members are required to maintain a high level of professionalism and doula client privilege.
Doula Network Members will restrain from disclosing identifiable details of a client's birth experience.
Doula Network Members will not discuss personal or confidential information which has been discussed to them by clients without written permission.
Doula Network Members will not share identifiable information or confidential information of maternity services or clients on social media platforms.
Doula Network Members are to maintain a professional relationship between maternity services and care providers.
Doula Network Members will maintain a body of knowledge and skills through certification, mentorships, or field experience, by staying current on literature as it is published. As well as continued professional development and webinars offered by DNA.
Doula Network Members will maintain a high level of care and support and adhere to their code of conduct/ethics provided by their training organisation.
Doula Network Members will refer clients to other appropriate resources and professionals for needs beyond the scope of the doula’s training.
Doula Network Australia Incorporated does not tolerate hate speech or discrimination - including age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or marital status or any other legally recognised protected group.
Doula Network Australia Members will treat clients, doula colleagues, members and the other professionals with whom they may be working with - with respect, courtesy, fairness and integrity.
Doula Network Members will not discuss or share personal and confidential information which has been disclosed by other members in a professional capacity including via social media platforms outside the Doula Network Australia Members group.
Doula Network Members will uphold and advance the values, ethics, knowledge and mission of the global profession. Maintaining the integrity of the profession.
Doula Network Members will be mindful of their professional engagements as a member of Doula Network Australia Incorporated and ensure they do not bring Doula Network Australia Incorporated into disrepute. The Doula Network Australia Incorporated committee will discuss further action of this which may result in loss of membership.
The Role of a Doula.
- A Doula is a professional support person, offering personalised care during all stages of the reproductive, perinatal, and postnatal period.
- A Doula is employed by the Mother/Couple/Birthing Person, for their support. This includes non medical essential continuity of care, informational, physical, and emotional support through pregnancy, during the birth of the baby/babies, and the postnatal period.
- A Doula respects the choices made by their clients. If medical interventions become necessary, or if events deviate from their chosen birth preferences, a Doula advocates so that they feel informed, safe and calm.
Therefore, a Doula is an essential part of the Maternity care team.